I wrote this in my journal around June. Obviously it was written for myself, but now I'm giving it to you. I come back to it every so often. It's easy to feel helpless post cancer, but we're not. We're not helpless or hopeless. We have an amazing amount of strength within us.
thank you .. so much.
I just recently found your blog, and I can't tell you what a savior it's been reading your posts .. and I *really* needed to read that today.
Well said and a good reminder for all of us. Thanks.
Hi Kaylin,
Have you heard about this segment on NPR yet? It's airing right now, so I'm sure the story will be up in the archives later on today.
[Ann Marie's] daughter Michelle became seriously ill in college with colon cancer. Doctors suggested that Michelle leave college to pursue chemotherapy. But leaving school would mean a dramatic increase in her parents' health insurance bills. Michelle and her parents faced an agonizing choice. Michelle stayed in school, but Ann Marie got angry. She decided to try to change the law in New Hampshire and ended up pushing through a new federal law that goes into effect in October. Under the law, health insurance companies must extend coverage to college students who leave school for up to one year in the event of illness. Ann Marie joins Dick Gordon to tell about how her daughter's illness and death galvanized her to seek health insurance reform.
oops, here's the link to listen: http://thestory.org/
Well put! Keep going, keep living, keep exploring and creating. Enjoy life. You have a beautiful creative soul.
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