But I do like Janell so I will post. The LiveStrong org has some great scholarships for young adults, so kudos to Lance. And of course, I'm all for cancer unity. I don't have the balls to make a joke, but then, neither does he.

P.S. I declare morbidly obese day tomorrow, the 3rd. Free cream puff!

I could NOT be more there on obese day. Saturday is a great day for it. Free reign at the farmer's market.
We had a great (virtual) turnout today though some people did not get the whole unity idea. But that's okay.
Thanks for both posts today. We all thank you.
*back to my chocolate*
oops... i accidentally celebrated obese day early. definitely baked a dozen muffins this morning and ate them all. damn steroids...
HAHAHAHAHA "I don't have the balls to make a joke, and neither does he"
Best. Line. Ever.
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