Hilarious things that have happened to me:
-I was so drugged up once and vomiting my brains out that I thought the toliet was talking to me, kind of like Peewee's Playhouse.
-All of my nose hair fell out. This seems inconsequential, but I didn't have boogers for like 8 months and kind of missed them.
-I camped out on the couch for weeks because I couldn't walk. My sister's little Yorkie terrier walked up to the end of the couch and peed on my bald head. FML.
-I traveled into my own body with my battlecat via ultra-high radiation beams and sought out to destroy the Tumornator (tm) and his army of cuteness.
One of those things may or may not have happened. So, If you send me your email, I will update you on the progress of the comic, donation incentives, and hopefully a free copy when we're through!

gurgle... I'll be back. (I hope not really)
Peed on your head? OMG.
My nose hair fell out and I didn't miss the hair or anything else.
I would purposefully not wear a wig or any head covering when going out to eat because I wanted to make everyone else as miserable as I was.
I recall having a conversation with a woman where I actually used the word "viligent" as if it existed.
I was never as physically ill as you were during my treatment.
I have to say - you are the most positive person I've ever met.
Every time I go through similar medical dramas (or traumas) I tend to get wrapped up in self-pity. I sit in waiting rooms, I stare at the floor and I forget to laugh or even smile.
Thanks for the reminder Kaylin. You totally kick ass :)
How do we send your our email? I tried to email your about your mix tapes :\ (no-cmnt) on the nose hairs.
. ..<([x],[X])>
my email is kaylinmarie@gmail.com
feel free to contact me anytime!
my email is joonhao.tham@gmail.com
hope to hear good news from you always... stay positive.. you did a great job there..
kaylin! this is such a great idea... i was (am?) treated at a children's hospital, but there were a lot of kids in their late teens/early twenties who would love a comic like this!
i lost my nose hair, too... it's still gone, and i'm pretty sure my nose has been running since june...
Im interested on buying the copy, I though i could translate it to spanish and give it to cancer ills here in my city (Monterrey, Mexico). Ill thank you tto contact me marcelaredo@ymail.com
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