it's all the rage.

1st chemo sesh was mild- I feel nauseous and heavy now, much like a bad fever. In a way I can feel the poison flowing through me; my whole body pulses with my heart. My brain is too tired to make art. This worries me. For now, until the words begin to flow, I'll post more pictures. Remember the stilettos and red lips? Gone are the days of kaylin's vanity (for now). We ripped it right out of her.

In the hospital and still beautiful. I hope that you are doing well talk you you soon.
hello Kaylin - andre in vegas here. good luck with the coming weeks. i'm sure the chemo will be a tough experience, but it will be worth it. the world needs more people like you out there giving it color, so if it helps you get better -- well, i guess it just is what it is. I really like your art and ideas A LOT. I look forward to seeing more. And even more important then that, I think you are a nice person. And nice people are the best things on earth and in short supply - so get well fast! You are in my thoughts. All the Best - Andre
You got a mowhawk!!! You didn't tell me! lol I wanna see!!! Love ya
Sometimes naseau pills make things worse. Salty foods and chicken broth worked as well as sleep. Maybe those can work for you.'s the link for some wigs. They so soft, gorgeous..maybe you'll find something you like:
now just buzz some racing stripes on the side of your dome n you're all set...take care!
i told you that you would look amazing with a mohawk. Obviously you will look amazing with no hair too!!!! Maybe it's cause you are so gorgeous and tall and talented!!!!! I had alot of fun with you yesterday and it sucks we can't be a llittle closer so I could visit even more..
sexiest kemo patient I ever laid eyes on.. you are in my thoughts and if i ever get around to praying I'll be sure to include you in them too. oxoxoxoxox
Hey I just got over cancer for the Second time in my life . It was stage 4 bone cancer and it was also in my lungs . When I saw you story on Jenks it really touched me I know exactly how you felt . I just want to say stay strong and live life to the fullest dont let anyone say you cant do something . Dream Big and much love from Florida .
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