Our stories are eerily similar. I wish I could have talked to her. The cancer struggle often goes on for years, on and off, and you've no choice but take it all in stride...
Here's her wiki:
Here's her blog:
On a lighter note, here are a few preliminary shots from my thesis collection:
It's a dress with a tumor; how cancer-centric can I get??
I've decided that if my yearly scan is clear, I'm going to retire this blog for the time being. It is what I wanted it to be- a candid documentation of cancer treatment. It's over now, and I doubt anyone wants to hear about my chronic pain every few weeks.
That said, I won't be a stranger ;)
and if it's back... well, I'll get to take you on a whole new adventure.
I know what you mean. I stumbled upon this girl, Eva Markvoort, a couple days ago. she passed away a month ago. She didn't have cancer, she had cystic fibrosis. She didn't live in my city, in fact she was in canada. But regardless, her story struck so very close to home for me that in immediately threw me into a funk for a couple days.
Check her out though. she's beautiful. inside and out, alive or not.
Alicia attended the University of Nevada, Reno school of journalism. Her story and her life impacted many people here. http://journalism.unr.edu/latestnews/app-news/0/69/reynolds-school-alumna-alicia-parlette-succombs-to-cancer/
I hope your scan is clean and that your new blog is all about beautiful dresses we all can wear!
oh wow Becca, thanks for sending the link. I'll be reading this all night. I'm glad there are so many beautifuls out there sharing their struggle. It makes everyone else feel connected to life, and not so alone...
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