I have just been so damn busy and broke. I go to sleep as soon as I hit the floor (because up until now I couldn't afford a mattress). Unfortunately there is no energy to wax poetic about the specialness of life, have a relationship, or f... un. fun? What does that mean again? Someone please save me?
Things I have been doing:
-interviewing 2 or 3 times a week. Everyone loves my work but won't hire because I haven't enough official experience. Apparently the school of hard knocks does not count.
-unpaid internship with R. Antonoff, which is surprisingly fun and gratifying, but kicks my ass.
-ehm tee vee filming and meetings, working with their ACT program to promote YAC awareness.
-finding a publisher for our comic (Last Gasp!), discussing a contract, and finishing the preview issue with Jon.
-getting scans, which showed no sign of disease other than an iffy lung spot and many large ovarian cysts thought to be benign. All kinds of pain from all kinds of work. Arthritis in my right hand from illustrating/writing/sewing.
-saw the McQueen exhibit on closing night, which was a transcendental experience.
- met Betsey Johnson yesterday and had a great interview, but still waiting to hear back. (!)
-creating a lesson plan for a Saturday fashion class for 7-12 year olds I will be teaching in September through November.
-kickin ass and taking names, but then forgetting them because I am too exhausted.
a few candids to prove I'm alive and relatively well:

these days I spend a lot of time waiting underground.
what's new with you?
Glad you're not dead! Your blog is super awesome and helpful. It sucks that crap sucks for you right now.
Is there an update on the comic? I'm looking forward to
checking it out.
Good luck with interviews! Your awesomeness and persistence is very motivational. /highfive
I check your blog every day to see what's up with you. I'm guessing you made it through Hurricane (Tropical Storm) Irene OK. Jon's going to send me a couple of sheets of pillows to sew together. LOL, are you going to teach the kids to sew too! Love, Aunt B
So very proud of you! Keep up the hard work, there is big pay off in all of this chaos! Love you!
I was just at that metro station yesterday. That's where the L line picks up, right? Can we vent about how the L is messed up every time I visit NYC? Don't even get me started on the DC Orange line. I could create a whole new blog on subway/metro venting.
ben, it's probably the L. yes, I hate the weekend crap! I never remember to check the service reminders & am always 40 min late as a result. shuttle... where?
wiggins! Our preview issue will be out end of this month, with the full "novel" out in January!
aunt b, yes i will! just hand stitches, though :)
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