Monday, February 16, 2009

she's ugly but she's a good listener.

I have lied to you twofold: this post is neither on Sunday, nor about sex. Another day I promise.

How do you respond when people ask what your favorite music is? I'm usually hard-pressed for something to say. Uhmm. Indie? too broad. folk? metal? hip hop?

I may be a little late to jump on the bandwagon, but is amazing if you have cancer or a lot of time to kill. It's an Internet radio similar to Pandora, but also a social networking site that allows you to share music and analyze your listening habits. It uploads all of the info on your itunes and tells you what you listen to.

I've been so bored with my music during chemo sessions and am constantly asking friends to recommend bands, so this is perfect if you're in a rut. It helps alleviate the monotony of chemo sessions.

Also, it's interesting to see what songs you've most listened to. For instance, it says I've been playing Regina Spektor lately because I'm trying to learn her songs on piano. And I never would have guessed my "most listened to" is Connie Francis' "I'm breaking in a brand new broken heart". God I'm depressing.

Here is my profile.

make one and be my friend! let's see what you're really listening to.


UnparalleledUmbrellas said...

cute title...awesome site...i dont know if i want people to really know what im listening too! lols! no ive been really bored with my music lately too. story of mylife...that was one of only 2 things a bf is good for the other of which well you know...oh speaking of i heard a funny story last night about you and one about robyn on that note from todd i forget who you were with i cant really say i guess but i remember it made me laugh! we totes want a cute place with awesome retro furnishings with a sewing studio where we can also have film club we launched the idea last night and ur totes in! love u lots!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaylin,
That's an impressive list of artists, half of them I've never heard of.
One of my all time favs is Emmylou Harris. You might like her later stuff. Two albums come to mind: Wrecking Ball, and Stumbling into Grace.
When I'm in the mood for something jazzy, I put on Squirrel Nut Zippers, and a new favorite, White Ghost Shivers.
How's the piano playing coming along?
Keeping you in my thoughts.